The mission of Rotary International, a worldwide association of Rotary clubs, is to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. *

The Rotary club meeting is a chance for members to socialize, network, and plan service activities based on local needs and their own interests and talents. 

One of the Guiding Principles of Rotary is the "The Four-Way Test".
Of the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotary's main objective is service: in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world, as is clear from the motto Service Above Self.

In addition, Rotary clubs often team up with clubs in other countries to carry out international service projects, enhancing members' cross-cultural understanding.*


RCCC projects wash 1 640
The picture was taken during a reception hosted by the Mayor of Mainz.


Our Club has a partner club: The Rotary Club of Worms-Nibelungen in Germany. In June 2016 we had the pleasure to visit our partner club Worms-Nibelungen. The members of RC Worms-Nibelungen had prepared a wonderful programme for us and many participated in the programme for our visit.


* Acting alone, an individual's reach is limited, but when the right people work together, they can accomplish almost anything.






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